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Doctoral Studies

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Cooperative Doctorate
Management im Sozial- und Gesundheitswesen 4


There are different ways to do a doctorate at RWU. One possibility is as a so-called "cooperative doctorate", the other option is the doctoral association of the Baden-Württemberg universities of applied sciences.

Cooperative doctorates are possible in various constellations and are strongly supported. The doctorate is awarded in cooperation with a university or university of education that awards the doctorate. In many cases, RWU is the employer and the workplace is on the campus.

The first steps for a cooperative doctorate are usually:

  • Search for a suitable topic with a possible supervisor at RWU.
  • Search for a supervisor at a university or university of education and application in compliance with the current doctoral regulations
  • Acceptance of the doctorate, preparation of the cooperation and supervision agreement

RWU has been a member of the doctoral association of universities of applied sciences in Baden-Württemberg since july 2022. This means that in the future there will also be the possibility of initial supervision of the doctoral project at RWU. Professors who are particularly strong in research have the opportunity to apply for admission to the doctoral association. This allows them to supervise doctoral theses independently and eliminates the need to involve a university or university of education. Further information can be found at:

General questions about the doctorate can be answered by the contact person under "Contact & People".


The prerequisite for a doctorate is, in addition to an above-average degree, the desire to work intensively on a specific topic for several years. The enjoyment of science and the ability to work independently and in a structured manner are essential.

The start of the doctorate does not have to follow directly after a master's degree. We are also happy to welcome interested students who have already gained professional experience.


In addition to an above-average degree, the prerequisite for a doctorate is the desire to work intensively on a specific topic for several years. An interest in science and the ability to work independently and in a structured manner are essential.

You do not have to start your doctorate directly after completing a Master's programme. We also welcome interested candidates who have already gained professional experience.


Advance your UAS career!

The HAWKarriere mentoring program of the Universities of Applied Sciences (Hochschulen für Angewandte Wissenschaften = HAW) as part of the federal-state program FH-Personal is a cross-university mentoring program for young academics, lecturers and newly appointed professors (mentees).

In the HAWKarriere program, mentees are individually supported on their path of personal and professional development. The HAWKarriere mentoring program offers them the opportunity to gain clarity about their next career steps or how to deal with current challenges, to set individual goals and to tackle them in a self-determined manner with the support of suitable mentors (usually HAW professors). The program is based on a collaboration between several universities in order to offer participants a broad spectrum of experiences and perspectives for exchange. It is primarily aimed at the universities participating in the HAWKarriere mentoring program and can be opened up to other HAWs in Baden-Württemberg in the future. 

As advisors, knowledge brokers, role models, career advisors or door openers, the individually addressed mentors offer the mentees support in questions relating to professional and career planning with the overarching goal of an UAS professorship or its design. As experts in their field, mentors can provide well-founded insights into the current professional world of the UAS professorship and advise and support their mentees in a variety of ways.

Possible topics within the mentoring relationship:
  • Professional and career planning
  • Application coaching
  • Insights into the day-to-day work of a professor 
  • Professional / academic exchange
  • Building and expanding (professional) networks
  • Challenges on the path to a UAS professorship+ International career / stays abroad
  • Cooperation with practice partners
  • Further development of leadership and social skills
  • Transmission: transferring research content into practice
  • Support offers, e.g. for external funding, third-party funds
  • Compatibility of family and career / life-work balance
Who can be a mentee?

You have a connection to one of the 9 participating UAS in Baden-Württemberg, e.g. as:

  • Former or current doctoral candidate
  • Post-doc
  • Adjunct lecturer
  • Newly appointed professor
Who can be a mentor?
  • Your mentoring commitment is for at least 1 year
  • You are motivated and enjoy passing on experience and knowledge to the mentees
  • You are a professor at an UAS or an experienced and suitable person from the academic, Economics, administrative or cultural sector

Procedure of the mentoring program

  • Registration phase from 27.06.2024 - 15.11.2024 (in German)
    see registration documents under "Downloads"
  • Introductory workshop: January 16, 2025 | presence | Hochschule für Technik Stuttgart 
    Mentoring begins with the introductory workshop for mentees: There, the mentees get to know each other and define their individual program goals and a suitable mentor with the support of a mentoring expert.
  • Kick-off event: April 3, 2025 | Presence | Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Umwelt (HfWU) 
    The kick-off event takes place in presence at HfWU with all mentees and mentors and we start the 12-month mentoring program HAWKarriere together.
  • Mentoring phase : An (online) meeting between mentor and mentee takes place every 6-8 weeks.
  • Supporting program: Workshops and network meetings take place throughout the year.
  • Closing event: March 19, 2026 | Presence After 12 months, the program ends with a joint, celebratory closing event.

How can I apply?


Under ‘Downloads’ you will find the application forms and further information for mentees and mentors. The application deadline for the next round, starting in January 2025, is 15 November 2024. Please send the completed application form by email to or to the staff member at your respective university (see contact details below).

Important note: In order to ensure that the mentoring programme runs as smoothly as possible, places in the programme are limited.


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With the following experiences we would like to offer an insight into the possibilities of cooperative doctoral studies.

Daniela Kahlke: “I’m glad for the on-site solution and that my primary supervisor is not at a distant university.”

Daniela Kahlke is employed at RWU at the Faculty of Social Work, Health and Nursing. She is doing her doctorate in cooperation with the neighboring University of Education Weingarten. She receives funding by the state of Baden-Württemberg for three years through the “HAW-Prom” program. The working title of her dissertation is: “Cultures of teaching in undergraduate degree programs for midwifery in Germany – an explorative-qualitative study.” The dissertation was submitted for examination in December 2021.

Daniela Kahlke studied at RWU and at the University of Education Weingarten. For her doctorate, she says, “my main focus was on finding balance between a doctorate and family life.” The scholarship and part-time employment at RWU enabled her to create the optimal conditions for herself.

“Along the way, I’ve received a lot of support from my supervisor and a number of people at RWU as well as from my supervisor at the University of Education.” For the supervision of her thesis, Daniela Kahlke says she is stationed at a number of different locations. In addition to discussions with her primary supervisor at the University of Education and secondary supervisor at RWU, there is the doctoral candidate colloquium at RWU as well as an interdisciplinary colloquium and the doctoral candidate convention at the University of Education. “I’m glad for the on-site solution and that my primary supervisor is not at a distant university,” says Daniela Kahlke, “I can work very well with the feedback I get.”

Nayan Kadam: “In the construct with two supervisors at two different universities I consider an advantage for me.”

I’m in Germany to do something,” says Nayan Kadam. And he indeed has a full schedule: He is employed at the Faculty of Technology and Management as coordinator of the International Academy. and is doing his doctorate on cultural influences in global account management in cooperation with the University of Bamberg. “There is some work on cultural influences in international key account management, but I’m probably the first to investigate this specifically with regard to cooperation between German and Indian companies,” says the 28-year-old.

The contact to the University of Bamberg came about through the supervisor of his master's thesis, Prof. Dr. Barbara Niersbach. He is now supervised by Barbara Niersbach at RWU and has a first examiner at the University of Bamberg.

Nayan Kadam sees an advantage in this arrangement with two supervisors at two different universities. The short distances at the comparatively small UAS mean that it is always easy for him to contact someone. He then meets with both professors twice a semester and can therefore also benefit from the university’s structures.

Support and colloquium
In the context of the FH-Personal "rwu-prof" project, RWU is expanding its promotion and support measures for young academics.

We offer general advice on the topic of doctoral studies and provide information on various doctoral and funding opportunities. With our doctoral colloquium, we also offer additional support during the doctorate and the opportunity for professional and collegial exchange. During the doctoral program, we offer a qualification program with various workshops on topics in the areas of scientific work and key qualifications.

If you are already studying or working at RWU, you can find more information about dates and offers in the Moodle area "Akademische Nachwuchsförderung".

For women, the „Landeskonferenz der Gleichstellungsbeauftragten“ (Lakof) at universities of applied sciences in Baden-Württemberg, among others, offers special support. More information can be found on the Equal Opportunities page.


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Contact & People

General contact details

Postal address RWU Hochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten
University of Applied Sciences
Christopher Lewis
Postfach 30 22
D 88216 Weingarten

Project rwu-prof

Lisann Kaiser

Projektleitung FH-Personal "rwu-prof"
Lisann Kaiser